Tag Archives: Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

Links page

On this page you will find the main links that we use, either for the purchase of equipment, or to visit Ashtanga Yoga teacher friends, etc.


A specific nature of Ashtanga Yoga, it is that a carpet is enough to practice. Below a list with some addresses for you obtain this material :


Web sites on Ashtanga Yoga

Official website of Sri K.Pattabhi Jois, Krishnamacharya, BKS Iyengar

Other sites of our friends

Belgium :

France :


Rennes (Bretagne)

  • Cécile Dalibard Raout : La Basse Lande, 35190 CARDROC – Telephone :
  • http://www.aray.fr Yan & Anne-Marie Le Boucher, Luc Carimalo & Mireille Drouet, etc.

Fourmies (Nord of France)

Greece :


Ashtanga Yoga News Letter 3 : march 2019

Yoga « way to fullness » … 

The "Hindu Trinity", Brahma, Vishnū, Ćiva.

The “Hindu Trinity”, Brahma, Vishnū, Ćiva.

On the way to the intuition of “non-duality”, we try to be coherent yet if we are honest with ourselves we know how hard it is. For example, you are asked to stand up straight, we think and feel that we are vertical, but if we look in a mirror, we will see that this is an illusion, we have a shoulder higher than the other, the head inclined to one side, the pelvis rotated, a knee bent, the belly forward or backward, more support on one foot, etc.. In short, we are twisted. It is the same in postural yoga practice “asana” (Devanāgarī: आसन). We need an outside perspective to straighten, untwist and align ourselves, in order to go vertical.

During his first meeting with Guruji (Sri K. Pattabhi Jois), Anne expressed “it’s strange, but for the first time in my life I experienced a person other than myself you knew better than me what was good for me … and I trusted … “him.

Transmission of Yoga exists in this relational quality. It is a relationship of love, without love there is nothing of value, we cannot achieve the “Kingdom of Heaven” for a Christian, or what we call “Deep Reality” in Yoga.

The practice of Yoga Mala is a precision work (from the Latin praecisus), i.e. “no split” without division of breathing, movement, concentration, rhythm etc.. It is a work of unification. Hindus, like Christians might say  to live a relationship state of “Trinity.”

Three not two, two is not  one… The Trinity is not a duality and non-duality “advaïta” (Devanāgarī: अ त) is not unity. This is articulated One between “I” and “you” of ourselves, a … A relational One 

«Oh yoguin, ne pratique pas le Yoga sans vinyāsa…»
Vāmana Ṛṣi (devanāgarī : वामन ऋषि)
Yoga Korunta

Forth yoga Korunta  śloka express :

« Trī stanam avalokayé

Āsanam prānāyāma dristhihi »


The three key points of the method are: posture, breathing and concentration of the gaze.

Shri K. Pattabhi Jois’s comment

The method of yoga Korunta consists of three simultaneously performed points, that are:

a. Posture Āsana : to lengthen and stretch the spine back to ensure good blood circulation;

b. Breathing Pranayama : The wide opened rib cage so that breathing is good, long and soft;

c. Dristhihi : The head in alignment and directed towards one of the nine focus points so that the mind is concentrated. In this way, in your practice, you will not be troubled by what is happening around you and within you.

Guruji (Sri K. Pattabhi Jois), Laksmi Puram, Mysore

Om Shanti,

JC Garnier

The origins of the Ashtanga Yoga Institute in de Brussels

Jean Claude, dig the foundations of the Matrimandir, Auroville, India

After coming back from India where Jean Claude taught Yoga to Vinobha Bhave and to Indira Gandhi at Paunar Ashram, dig with a Peruvian friend the beginning of the foundations of the Matrimondir in Auroville

the adventure of transmitting yoga starts in September 1973 at “La Maison de la Culture de Rouen” (France).

Success is immediate, there are several classes everyday in different places, at Mt St Aignan University, at St Claire’s church etc. …. Jean Claude transmits either Iyengar’s technique or Pattabhi Jois’s technique. The workshops take place at the “Château d’Ernement sur Buchy”, where he was living.

Still in Rouen, in 1974, he founds the C.R.Y. (Centre Rouennais de Yoga) with   Dr. Louis Creyx, 264 students follow the morning or evening classes.


He then founds the “Centre Padma” in Elbeuf in 1979 to host residential training workshops. Many workshops are held in France, Italy, Switzerland, Holland etc. …. Since then, Jean Claude exclusively teaches “Yoga Korunta” (Ashtanga Yoga as transmitted by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois) .

Many seminar take place, in the South of France, in the Community of the Ark, founded by Lanza Del Vasto.

Life changes ……. Jean Claude meets Anne and goes to live in Brussels in 1987. He teaches at the “Maison Américaine”, chaussée de Charleroi, then rue des Glaïeuls, Uccle, in 1988. More space becoming necessary, the Ashtanga Yoga Institute moves to rue Jules Lejeune, Ixelles from 1989 until 2003. Finally, with the help of his friend an architect Simon de Wrangel, the Ashtanga Yoga Institute moves into it’s own premises 610 Chaussée d’Alsemberg in Uccle, with a yoga room that follows the explanations given by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.

“The ideal Yoga room must be well ventilated. Do not open all the windows, only those on a same side that are situated high up. The floor must be perfectly flat, the room very clean, on the ground floor (not above nor below because it is not good for the breathing), in a quiet place, far from the surrounding noise and far from people involved in an activity other than yoga.”

The Ashtanga Yoga Institute’s reputation spreads; daily lessons, workshops and seminars are given in Belgium, Greece on the Island of Andros and in Athens,and in India in Mahabalipuram.


The Ashtanga Yoga Institute’s aim is to transmit “Yoga Korunta” (better known as Ashtanga Yoga) as it was taught by Shri K. Pattabhi Jois during his life-time, at the « Ashtanga Yoga Resarch Institute » in Mysore (South India).

Today, a lovely team participates in the evolution of the Institute. Below is what is offered :

  • Daily classes (except during the Christmas holidays which is the only time the Institute closes)
  • Introduction class to Yoga
  • Beginners class
  • First series class
  • Second series class
  • Third series class
  • Intensive mornings (3 hours class)
  • Teacher training in Ashtanga Yoga in Brussels, Greece and India
  • Ashtanga Yoga sessions in beautiful places:
    • In Greece:
      • Athens
      • Andros Island
    • In India
      • Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu, South India
  • Events :
    • Concerts of traditional Indian music
    • Indian and Ayurveda cooking lessons

Om Shanti

Where to teach the first Yoga classes (beginning professor)

How to get known and have students

Find a Yoga institute or association who is willing to give you a chance to prove your worth.  You will then have to find students to attend your classes, and try to establish their loyalty. Word of mouth will surely be of big help to bring more students.

You need to keep an open mind to all opportunities. Don’t hesitate to investigate different places where you could teach:

  • In a big company or multinational organization
  • Prison (men, women)
  • Cultural centre
  • Sport centre
  • Any kind of association
  • Town hall
  • Own space
  • Shared space
  • At home (of the yoga student)
  • Workspace of the yoga student
  • In schools (Yoga for kids)
  • Universities
  • Retirement homes (Yoga for elderly)
  • Pedagogical centres
  • Centres for the disabled
  • Pain relief centres
  • Holiday centres (e.g. Club Méditerranée)

Cultural and sport centres usually require a test class or kind of internship before allowing you to practice. If the teacher has enough financial funds, he/she can always start to practice independently in order to fully exercise the profession. In this case he can also chose to dispense classes at the student’s home.

Of course it is necessary to dispense enough classes per week to have a suitable income.

Please keep in mind that a yoga teacher is mostly self-employed, this is why you should try to give class in different places. This will prevent you to be too dependent on one place.

After a while you can try to develop you own clientele and dispense private classes. Try to develop your network as soon as possible. Don’t forget that private classes are very demanding; you will need to provide your full attention to your student.

Different ways to work as a yoga teacher:

  • Group classes: several students, in a space specially equipped for the circumstance
  • Private classes: one-on-one student and teacher

Pregnant women

You should be informed of any pregnant students before class. If you don’t have the necessary skills, it is recommended to redirect the person to a pre-natal yoga class. Please keep in mind that during a group class you will not be able to keep a constant eye on only 1 person.

What to prepare:

  • Résumé – Curriculum vitae
  • Posters: you can place posters in different stores. Prepare a poster on which you only need to add the address, dates and times of the classes
  • Hold a conference or demonstration. Prepare your subject in writing and exercise with friends.
  • Publish a presentation article in local newspapers. Prepare several press releases.
  • Be present on the Internet, it is essential nowadays.

Constant training/education

Continue training and schooling as much as possible. A 500 hours training is not enough, it is just a beginning.

You are your best student. Take time to practice every day. Train with different yoga teachers. If this is not possible for you, check YouTube; get inspired with online videos. Don’t let your students get into automatic mode. Keep on challenging them.

Practice, Practice, Practice, every days…
Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

About Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Workshop

A message from R. Sharath (Guruji’s Grandson)

« In this modern world, everything is instant. No one has patience. Everyone wants to have [everything] as soon as possible. In yoga also it has become like that. Many places you go, they certify you in 15 days, one month. Always someone who’s coming to India, they think, “Oh, I’ll be here for one month, I should get a certificate that I’m studying here.”
We get many phone calls. Last week also there were three phone calls, one from Delhi, one from England, another from America.
Straight away they said “Oh, do you have teacher training.”
Yoga is getting big but it is getting crazy also. It’s not that yoga is crazy. People are making it crazy. They’re not understanding the sense of yoga, the purity of yoga. A yoga teacher should always maintain the purity of the practice.

You know when I was a child, whenever I used to see a Chinese or a Japanese, I thought they knew Karate. We used to stay away from them because we thought they knew Karate. Because we had been to see ‘Enter the Dragon,’ the Bruce Lee movie. Then there was no television or anything, the only entertainment was to go to a theatre and watch a movie. So, we watched that movie, and we thought every Chinese, Japanese knows martial arts. So he can beat us up, so stay away from them. And now [the] same thing has happened to yoga. Whoever looks like an Indian, if he is dressed in a saffron, or even a lungi (traditional South Indian dress), he becomes a yogi. Many yogis are sprouting up everywhere. Why I’m saying this is, for a practitioner [of yoga] it is very important to choose your teacher. A teacher who can guide you properly. A teacher who knows, who has been practicing for many years, who has come from a lineage. That is very important.

Bhagavad-Gita, "the song of the blessed.

Bhagavad-Gita, “the song of the blessed.

Sharath quotes from BhagavadGītā (Ch 4, vs 1-2)

imam vivasvate yogaṃ proktavanahamavyayam vivasvanmanave praha manuriksvakave-bravit evam paramparapraptamimam rajarsayo viduḥ sa kaleneha mahata yogo nastah parantapa

The BhagavadGītā is a very big, is a beautiful book.
It says – eighteen chapters – it all says about yoga practice.
How one should learn yoga through paramparā. paramparā is learning through a lineage. Like how Krishnamacharya learned from Ramamohan Brahmachari, Pattabhi Jois learned from Krishnamacharya. You know it’s a lineage, it’s not like a cell phone booth you open here (pointing outside). Every street has a cell phone booth. A correct sādhaka (practitioner), sādhanā
(practice) is very important to transmit from a teacher to his students. For a teacher to transmit the knowledge to his students, first he has to learn it for many years. He has to experience it within him[self]. Then only it is possible to transfer the correct method to his students.

Now days you get so many videos on You-tube, it is very difficult to make out which is circus, which is yoga, which is what. All crazy yogas. All different stupid yogas. For everything they join yoga. Naked Yoga! What is this nonsense?
Kookoo yoga. Hot Yoga. What is Hot Yoga? Hoot Yoga, Heat Yoga, Bang Yoga, all these crazy yogas, for everything they join yoga.
But it is our duty, being a practitioner of yoga. Some of you are also teaching. It is very important to keep the purity. If we don’t keep the purity within us, in another ten years, fifteen years, yoga will have a different meaning. Yoga is described in many different ways:

  1. Union, union of the jivatma or individual soul when it gets connected or joins with the supreme soul is called as ‘yoga.
  2. Or, yoga is the way of [to obtain] mokṣa (liberation)
  3. Liberation [itself] is called as ‘yoga.’

So there are different explanations for yoga. It can be experienced in different ways. Once you become one with everything, it becomes yoga. So that’s union, we call it.
So for yoga, to practice yoga, sādhanā (practice) is very important. If you do it for one year, two years, three years, you won’t go to the depth of yoga. If you want to go deep…
if you just keep on sailing in the sea it will never end. You’ll get bored. You’ll get bored and you won’t learn anything. Once you dive inside the sea, once you go deeper inside the sea, you can see the beauty of the sea… Once you go deeper in your practice, you can experience so many good things. Different things, which our practice can give us. This can be experienced only when we have devotion, dedication, discipline and determination – Four D’s. All these are very important in our practice. You know yogis have a disciplined life. Why we have a disciplined life ? Because our mind shouldn’t get cancala.
Cancala means distracted. If I go for a party late… for example, I’ll tell you, every day I get up at one o’clock [am to practice. One day I get bored and I go to a party… then I go and fight with somebody… then my mind becomes distracted. Next day I think, “Oh why did I do that ?” We don’t want to create circumstances that make us do something… after fifteen days I think, “Oh, why did I do that.” But the yogi’s mind, by practicing every day, day by day, yoga gets stronger within you, and your mind doesn’t sit still, it thinks about ‘what is yoga ?’ Those kind of thoughts should come within you. What is ahiṃsā (non-violence), what is satya, (truth) ?’ These kinds of thoughts should come within you when you are practicing āsana(s).

When you’re practicing yoga these kinds of thoughts should come within you. Then automatically it comes within you, you will start to think “Oh, ahimsa.” When non-violence comes, as being a practitioner, I should follow this. So when you follow that there’ll be no conflicts. Like that each yama, niyama, the ten sub limbs… develop strongly within us, once it gets stronger and stronger we get a better meaning to our practice. If I just keep on doing asana(s) without thinking anything, not getting those kinds of thoughts… it will just become like working out in a gym, lifting weights… What is the use of that ?
A beautiful body what’s the use if you don’t have a good heart.
Without a good heart, good thinking is of no use.

So this āsana is the foundation for our spiritual practice.
To build a spiritual building first the foundation should be proper. So once we are not disturbed by these many things, all you have is purity inside you. Is it not true? So that is the transformation if you do it for a long time when we have dedication, devotion towards the practice – sraddhavam labhate jnanam – sraddha – who has devotion, faith in their practice, he can get the knowledge, he can realize the purity of our practice. If you are very ignorant, if you do for twenty-five, thirty years also, you won’t realize what it is. It just becomes physical.

Once we realize that, the transformation that is trying to happen within you, then you’ll get a beautiful meaning to your practice. It is a development which should happen slowly… when we take birth, how we make this body, slowly we grow our body… So when we are a baby there are many things we don’t know… when we are a child it’s all imagination. Is it not true? It’s all fantasy when we are children. Yoga also starts like that… but as you get older and wiser in practice, the meaning also changes… Early on yoga practice was not wise enough.

As you go deeper, practice becomes deeper, wiser. Like a plant in the ground, it must be nourished properly to make it grow… Once you nourish the plant properly the plant will grow and a flower will blossom. If you don’t nourish the roots then the flower will never blossom. Exactly like that, for asana, yama, niyama are the nourishment which our mind needs to get.
Done like that then the yoga will grow and it will blossom within us. For this it doesn’t happen that easily. To gain something you have to lose something – here you’re losing all the bad things – many things you have to sacrifice… This is what I have learned from, from whom?… My influence is my grandfather [Guruji]. Every day at 3:30am, he was chanting, ready by 4:00am to teach classes. [I learned] by watching him and assisting him for many years.

The relationship between a Guru and Siṣya is like father and son relation. The same [relationship] was between Krishnamacharya and Pattabhi Jois, and one more student Mahadeva Bhat (Guruji’s fellow student). [Guruji] did practice in the morning, theory at 12:00pm every day [with Krishnamacharya]. Like that only the knowledge will transfer to students. In this instant world nobody has the patience. All they want is a piece of paper – what is a piece of paper, which is of no use… The real yoga practitioner doesn’t care if he’s certified, yoga keeps happening within him. The yoga gets stronger and stronger within him. So why I’m telling this is many people have different opinions, different imagination about yoga. If you jump back properly that means you’re a yogi ! Who can do handstand is a big yogi… We have to improve our knowledge, improve our yogic knowledge, spiritual knowledge. Once we improve that within us, then we are trying to become yogis. Now days everybody puts “Yogī(s), Yoginī(s), we have a party please come.” Yogi(s) and Yoginī(s) never go to parties… [A] yogi wants to be silent, to sit, be calm, [to] do his practice. We are still trying to become yogis still trying to become yogini(s).
Still going in that direction but not yet reached. Some are very far, some are ahead, once we get enlightened, we have reached [the end]. What we do in this life carries on to the next life ».

R. Sharath Jois

Sri K. Pattabhi Jois has learned, developed, and taught others Ashtanga Yoga

Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, was born on July 26, 1915, a day of the full moon, in a small village near Somnathpur in Karnataka in South India. He died on May 18, 2009, at the age of 94.

His father, Krishna Pattabhi Jois, was a well-known astrologer in the service of the Maharajah of Mysore.

After his primary and secondary schooling in 1930 he began studying Sanskrit and Vedic philosophy at the Maharaja Sanskrit College in Mysore. In 1937, he graduated, he immediately went into teaching Sanskrit at the University of Mysore and continued until 1973. He spent another three years teaching at the Ayur Vedic College, and he then retired.

He began studying Yoga in 1927, when he was 12 years old. He then lived with his parents in a small village near Hassan “Kowshek” (Karnataka). During the first three years, he undertook a journey back and forth every day to visit his Guru Sri T. Krishnamacharya, who lived in Mysore at that time (a distance of some 35 km). He received the teaching of his master for 25 years (from 1927 to 1952). Krishnamacharya asked him to transmit a method of original Yoga, called Yoga Korunta (known today as Ashtanga Yoga). Sri K. Pattabhi Jois taught Yoga in India from 1937, then later in the U.S.A and Europe. He received students from around the world to study this wonderful method of Yoga.

He was the founder-director of the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore in 1942. In 1946, he founded the Institute for Research on Ashtanga Yoga, where he experimented and developed the healing powers of Yoga. He was appointed Honorary Professor of Yoga at the Indian Government Medical College in Mysore, from 1976 to 1978.

Shri K. Pattabhi Jois was married with the delicious Savitramma, known as her diminutive Amma). She left us far too early in December 1997. She always wore a smile, offered comfort or had a blessing on her lips and she prepared an absolutely delicious coffee.

What is less well known is that she had also studied and practiced Yoga and sacred Shri T. Krishnamacharya texts. This is where she met Guruji. She was 14 when she was married, a marriage of love which was very rare at the time. They had three children, two boys and a girl (their eldest son Ramesh died in an accident on the Kaveri dam).

Manju Jois

Manju Jois

Manju, their son, teaches Yoga at Emanitas in California – U.S.A. Saraswati, their daughter still lives in Mysore, she is married to a professor and also teaches yoga.


In 1964, André Van Lysbeth, the first European, came to study the Korunta Yoga at the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore with Guruji. André spoke about him and made him known through an article he published in the early review of the time “YOGA”, which he edited.

Around 1972, Sri Pattabhi Jois received the first Americans after the “meeting” with Manju at the Gitananda ashram near Pondicherry (160 km south of Madras). The practice of Ashtanga Yoga spread in America from California, and extended later to Hawaii. In 1975, Guruji and Manju on their first tour spread the word about the practice of yoga. Since then, the practice of Ashtanga Yoga has spread worldwide.


Guruji passed on to the other side of existence on 18 May 2009 at 2:30pm in the afternoon (local Mysore time).   Guruji had taught continuously for 63 years this wonderful method that he had learned from his Guru Sri T. Krishnamacharya in 1927.

Chidambaram flowers

Om Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om (Om, may all beings achieve peace and harmony, Om Shanti).


Today, his grandson Sharath Rangaswamy, the son of Sarasvati, is Director of the Institute. He was born in 1971. He is transmitting the Ashtanga Yoga he learned from his grandfather. Sharath is married to Shruthi and he is the happy father of two children, a charming little girl called Shradda (Dedication), and a son Sambhav (connected to the being or Manifestation of being).


The new Yoga course room “Yogashala” can be found :

  • Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute
235, 8th Cross
2nd Main, 3rd Stage
Gokulam, Mysore 570 002
Karnataka, India

Astrology Indian (Jyotish), assistance in decision making…

Indian Astrology is part of the auxiliary sciences of Hinduism, so connected to the Veda.

In India, no important decision is taken without consulting an astrologer. Indian Astrology (Jyotish), the oldest, is based on 27 moon constellations (nakṣatra) and passages of the Moon close to them in the union or not with the position of the Sun.

According to jyotish astrology, we are at any time connected with the universe.

The Maharaja of Mysore had at his service his own Devin/Astrologer, Krishna Pattabhi Jois (the father of Guruji – Sri K. Pattabhi Jois).

Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois fater of Guruji

Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois fater of Guruji

What is that Indian Astrology?

Everyone knows his “sign” in Western Astrology: Cancer, Lion, Sagittarius or otherwise. It is in fact the seasonal sign occupied by the Sun on the day of the birth.

The Sun lies a month in each sign, since it passes over all twelve in the year. The changes occur around the 21st of each month. So, a date of birth tells us directly to which ‘sign’ the person belongs.

Things are not as simple in Indian Astrology, firstly because this discipline gives primacy to the Moon and not to the Sun and then because it uses a Zodiac said to be “sidereal”: the signs of the Zodiac are superimposed on the constellations, without the inexorable shift due to the precession of the equinoxes. Knowing one’s sign in Indian Astrology would more or less imply knowing the constellation crossed by the Moon at the moment of birth. This Lunar position cannot be simply inferred from the date of birth, it requires other skills and other means.

What is a natal chart?

It is the representation of space, visible from a specific point of the globe, at a specific time. In this place, at this moment, someone came into the world. The schema of his sky of birth is called the theme.  As in a snapshot, the natal chart captures this inextricable energy node that corresponds to the new-born being. Because a being is an energy node…

He can only stay, continue to be what he is, as long as these energies in their clash remain in balance. No balance is perfectly stable, so the being will never cease to transform.

The great currents that are at work will keep for a time (time of an existence) their strength, their meaning, and their character. The intensity and quality of these energies come from all over the universe, they define at the birth of an individual his nature, shape and  “degree in being” or, if preferred, his level of consciousness.

To go further  

You can receive a free Indian astrological study: http://www.yourplanets.com/

I deeply thank Mr Jean Dethier, for his introduction to Indian Astrology. He had the pleasure of studying in India with the Professor, K. Neelakantan, recently deceased, who also exercised Astrology with the Maharajah of Mysore, circa 1928.