Tag Archives: Ashtanga

Hotels in Mahābalipuram

In South India, the old village of Mahābalipuram, today known, as Mamallapuram is located in Tamil Nadu. It is an old historical town that used to be an animated seaport at the time of the Palava(s). There are various historical monuments, most of them having been built between the 7th and 9th century AD. UNESCO has classified the site as part of the World Heritage; there are many exceptional monuments, walking to meet them is allowing oneself a moment of self-discovery.

There are many accommodation possibilities in Mahābalipuram, you will find hotels at an affordable price and also luxury hotels where you will be treated as a royal guest.

Thousands of flavour lovers are attracted to Mahābalipuram for it’s lovely Indian cooking.

Below, is the hotel selection made by the Ashtanga Yoga Institute :

  • Les hotels Daphnés
    1. Daphne Hotel
    2. Blue Elephant Guesthouse
    3. Daphne Beach Hotel
  • Pallava Dynasty Comfort Cottages
  • Green Woods Beach Resort
  • Siva Guest House
  • Sri Murugan Guest House
  • Breeze Hote
  • Radisson BLU Resort Temple Bay

Security for a stay without worries :

Always keep your suitcases locked, leave your valuables in the hotel’s safe, never leave your passport in your luggage and always have a photocopy of it with you. 

Other complementary information :

  • Travel information « flight » et « transfer »
  • The « Visa »
  • « Indian cooking »
  • « Photos » India
  • Health information in India
  • Dressing advice



Visa application for India

For your Ashtanga Yoga workshop at Mahābalipuram in India, below are the necessary administrative formalities.

Formalities at the date of 28 February 2016 :

You need a valid passport (valid for at least 6 months after the date of departure).
You must obtain a visa (mandatory) that can be obtained at the Consulate of India in your country.

Visa India

On the website of the Indian Centre of your country for Visa applications :

  • You can obtain the forms and fill them in,via the Internet.
  • You will need two identity photos size 5 cm x 5 cm
  • Price: 80 €
  • Allow a week to get your in Belgium. (BECAREFULL: for some foreigners – like the British – it can take longer ) 

Caution: always check on the official website of the Embassy, the formalities can change !


The Indian Embassy 

  • Belgium: indembassy.be 
    217, Chaussee de Vleurgat, 1050 Brussels, Belgium.
    Working hours : 9.00 AM to 5.45 PM from Monday to Friday
    1.00 PM to 1.45 PM Lunch
    Telephone Numbers : +32 (0)2 6409140 & +32 (0)2 6451850
    Fax Number : +32 (0)2 6451869 (Consular wing) & +32 (0)2 6489638
  • France: http://www.ambinde.fr   
    15 Rue Alfred Dehodencq, 75016 Paris, France
    Tel. : 00 33 1 40 50 70 70
    Fax : 00 33 1 40 50 09 96
    Métro (Subway) : La Muette (Line no 9)


Indian Centre for Visa applications 



Cholamandal artists’ village

The village of Cholamandal is located between Mahabalipuram (40km) and Chennai (20km). It is a co-op of artists. You’ll find a large variety of paintings and craft on wood, steal or copper of quality, in a large exhibition room.


Inside this complex, there is a souvenir shop where you can get the excellent book, in English “Cholamandal An Artist’s Village*.”


Nearby is little café serving pastry in a lovely garden, the « Garden Restaurent, Shiraz ».

Garden Restaurent, Shiraz

Cholamanda is 50 minutes from Mahābalipuram (40km) by car. You can take the bus to Madras (Chennai).

* Cholamandal an Artist’s Village, edited by Josef James, Oxford University Press, Chennai India. ISBN 019 566988 6

Book Cholamandal

Website :

Prices for the lessons Yoga Ashtanga Institute 2024/2025

Single course
Required membership
1 lesson / trial lesson
1 private lesson
30 €
30 €
100 €
Valid 1 year from September to September
1h only by appointment
10 lessons
20 lessons
30 lessons
180 €
300 €
410 €

Or 18 € the course Valid 3 months
Or 15 € the course Valid 3 months
Or 13,6 € the course Valid 3 months
Annual 1 class / week
Annual 2 class / week
Annual 2 class / week
670 €
1200 €
1600 €

Valid 1 year from September to september
Valid 1 year from September to september
Valid 1 year from September to september
Intensive Morning
1 morning
2 mornings
10 mornings
60 €
115 € 
540 €

3h x 2 the samee week-end
Valid 1 year from September to June
Workshop in India
Half session
One session
Two sessions
Three sessions
280 €
460 €
850 €
1250 €
1460 €

One week from monday to friday (morning)
Two weeks from monday to friday (morning)
Three weeks from monday to friday (morning)
Six weeks from monday to friday (morning)
Four weeks from monday to friday (morning+afternoon)
Workshop in Greece
Athens – October / November
Athens – April
Athens – June / July

katarizou@gmail.com  00 30 69 97 90 22 90
nikzog70@gmail.com  00 30 69 77 80 92 21

The room is equipped with a ventilation system, an air purifier device that measures the air quality with UV treatment

To offer a lesson, go too “Go” boutique ! 

Payment in Euros by :
International postal order (Very low cost) addressed to :
JCG – SCS, Ashtanga Yoga Institute
Chaussée d’Alsemberg, 610
1180 Brussels – Belgium
Bank transfer – Bank :
ING – Uccle DE BUE – 1180 Brussels –
Telephone: 00.32.2 348 47 80 – Fax: 00.32.2 348 47 89
IBAN: BE 34 3630 0145 0390
Account n° ING 363-0014503-90Cancellation fee: 100 € per person

You can gather a small group of friends (3 or 4 people) and discover Ashtanga Yoga together. Choose the time of your lesson and organize a session adapted to your needs, learn the basics or go deeper into the method.

The instruction given at the Ashtanga Yoga of Brussels is true to the Yoga Korunta transmitted by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois at the l’Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore – Karnataka South India.

Teachers who regularly gives classes at the Ashtanga Yoga Institute are: Jean Claude Garnier, Jan Janssen, Sergine Laloux, and the team of substitute teachers: Annette, Bernadette, Catherine, Ivan, Mary, Simon …

Gaja Lakshmi

Gaja Lakshmi

Financial difficulty ! So it is not an obstacle, contact the Institute by mail or letter.

Addressing and coming out of a posture in Ashtanga Yoga practice (Vinyāsa Krama)

In Ashtanga Yoga practice (Yoga Korunta), there is a precise progression, established with a lot of wisdom, in order to address a posture add also to come out of it. This is called Vinyāsa Krama.

The postures are connected one with another by mini-sequences or complete sequences from the sun salutation (Surya Namaskara).

Ashtanga Yoga_Adho Mukha Svannasana _suryanamaskara_A



In Ashtanga Yoga, the postural work and the Viniyasa have equal importance. At first, we see the postural learning with a simple chain/sequence. Once the postures are known comes the sequences/chaining teaching (the complete Viniyasa).

Srivatsa Ramaswami, old student of Shri T. Krishnamacharya

Srivatsa Ramaswami, old student of Shri T. Krishnamacharya

«Integrating the spirit, body and breathing functions . . . A yogi will know the true joy of the yoga practice . . .Vinyāsa Krama yoga strictly follows the most complete
definition of classical yoga ».

Srivatsa Ramaswami

There are two important factors.

  1. All the postures (āsana) are in an unchangeable order.
  2. As beautifully taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, there are a precise number of synchronised breathing and movement transitions that connect each position (āsana).

The process of Vinyāsa Krama produces an intense internal heat (tapas) that allows purification, and elimination of toxins in the muscles, the organs and the mind. The result is a light body that breaths profound peace, strength and joy.

Practice of Yoga mālā is a true precision work (from latin prae-cisus), in other words «without scission», without division of breathing, movement, concentration, rhythm etc. It is a work of reunification, of unification.