Tag Archives: Charles Baudelaire

Sri Murugan Guest House

Must you go? Stay? If you can stay, stay;
Leave, if you have to. One runs, and the other crouches
to cheat the vigilant and disastrous enemy, time!

Le voyage
Charles Baudelaire  – Les fleurs du mal (1861)

Sri Murugan Guest House, anciennement Balaji Guest House
Price : 600 Rs par jour (if it remains at least 15 days)
9, Ottaivadai Street (see the Map)
Mahãbalipuram – 603 104 Tamil Nadu
Téléphone : 0091 – 441 14 – 242 849

The ”Sri Murugan Guest House”, is a new small hotel. Some rooms are quite large. Very clean and quiet, but the Interior rooms are a bit dark.

At the top, on the terrace of the hotel, is the “Restaurant Siesta”, which serves an inventive westernized Indian cuisine, a bit expensive for the quantity…

Sri Murugan Guest House resto

On the left ground floor of the building, is the wonderful shop owned by our friend Véronique “Akka Creation”. She animates an association / workshop, where she teaches Indian women how to sew, make clothes etc (a little more 33 people), the manufactured products are sold in this shop, to make lovely gifts. Akka in the Tamil language, means “big sister”. With cloths and fabrics from Jaipur, Madras and Pondicherry, Akka creates, cuts and sews clothes, bags, and patchworks using the wonderful colours of India. May also be ordered on their website (fast delivery in well adapted packaging)

