Tag Archives: Āyurveda

Information ‘health’ in India, Ashtanga Yoga Workshop in India (Mahābalipuram)


An informed yogini being worth (at least) two, you will be able to leave safely with a light heart and a joyful soul and enjoy your stay in South India, a discovery full of fragrances, colours, sounds…

No vaccine is mandatory for the Indian subcontinent (this of course, does not exempt the traveller from keeping his vaccines up to date).

If you have an on-going treatment, don’t forget your medication. You can take a basic first aid kit with you, containing bandages, plaster, analgesics, anti-diarrheal, laxatives, medicines for treating colds and soar throats, vitamin C. Be careful of the sun and the heat, that cause insolation and dehydration. There are many chemists in India where you can find what is necessary.

If you intend to travel in India, malaria being in constant evolution, get information on it’s prophylaxis depending on the regions you want to visit.

How to protect yourself from mosquito bites, vectors of chikungunya

Individual protection needs chemical and concrete means.
From 5.45 pm onwards, wear long clothes and protect your feet and ankles.
It is recommended to impregnate your clothes with a repulsive spray. Some repulses can be put directly on the skin. Be sure to put them on regularly (every 4 or 5 hours depending on the product). For new-born babies and babies under three months, find a mosquito net specially made for cradles, if possible impregnated with an anti-mosquito repulsive, it is the only method that is efficient.

On the spot, you will find anti-mosquito products in the form of sprays or creams, as well as sun creams.


The water

  • Always drink bottled water and make sure the stopper is sealed
  • Drink hot drinks like “tchai”

For the others illnesses

In Mahabalipuram, there are several Doctors who practice occidental medicine and, since last year, there is also an Ayurveda Doctor. There is also a small hospital “Suradeep Hospital” situated 15 Thirukumam Street, and 20 km away on the road to Chennai, there is a big ultra-modern hospital (to be preferred).

Turista (diarrheal)

It is caught usually due to the water or food containing relatively common bacteria. A little advice and some good medicine in a travel pharmacy will be very useful. Prevention remains the best method.

  • The first reaction is to drink clean, lightly salted bottle water, sealed at the neck to avoid dehydration.
  • Charcoal capsules
  • If inefficient take “Imodium”, if it does not work then take an antibiotic such as “Fluroquinolones”

If an infection occurs when you get home

The most usual cases are:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Skin infections
  • Fever or flu-like symptoms

In all cases, if the symptoms last or get worse, don’t forget to tell your Doctor that you were in Asia.

For this subject, you can consult the following websites :

  • Tropical Medicine Institute “Prince Leopold”
  • Question-Santé
  • “Santé Voyage” with as bonus health information by country
  • “A.S. Adventure”. Several shops in Belgium of which several in Brussels
  • traveling-doctors.com

Other complementary information :

  • Travel information « flight » et « transfer »
  • The « Visa »
  • Finding a « hotel » in Mahābalipuram
  • « Indian cooking»
  • « Photos » India
  • Dressing advice

Sanskrit, its meanings, the writing of the Gods

Getting to know Sanskrit “devanagari” (the script of the Gods), is fundamental for those wishing to study Indian culture and the disciplines belonging to it like Yoga teaching.

For example: Yoga and the Āyurveda use terms in “sanskrit”.

Yoga postures, placing and body positions are all written in sanskrit generally. Prefixes are used for several postures to explain a variation, a direction, a sense.

  • Ardha, means “half”, “lateral”
  • Adho means “downwards”
  • Baddha, means “linked”
  • Madhu, means “down”
  • Parivrtta, means “returned” or “tensed”
  • Supta, means “turned over”
  • Urdhva, means ‘upwards’
  • Utthita, means “stretched”
  • etc.

Knowing the way to pronounce and the meaning of the word helps you to understand the symbolism, and spiritual and philosophical concepts.

Sanskrit is not only a sacred language, it is also a vibrant force.

“Sanskrit is therefore truly the transcendent power, and as such, it is ‘the technical instrument of the rite of fulfilment of the presence and action of God ‘.
P.S. Filliozat 

Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat

Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat

Knowing Sanskrit helps you develop your philosophical and postural practices.

The relationship to the original language enables us to place ourselves in the present time and create links for the future. In the face of the chaotic development of contemporary yoga, it is good to identify safe paths in the jungle of words and images and to make yogic science global in a correct manner. The use of Sanskrit remains the key to that transformation. It is the agenda. This is not an inflexible return to tradition. Rather a firm basis from which to serve wisdom and perpetuate profundity… »

Micheline Flak

Further reading:

  • Le Sanskrit, souffle et lumière : voyage au cœur de la langue sacrée de l’Inde, par Colette POGGI, aux éditions ALMORA
  • Le sanskrit, par P.-S. Filliozat, (Que sais-je ?, 1416), Paris, aux éditions PUF, 1992.
Colette Poggi

Colette Poggi

Massage at Mahābalipuram

Seek peace of mind and well being of the body through the ancient knowledge of the Ayurveda. After an Ashtanga Yoga session, I would recommend an Ayurveda massage with Krishna. Ladies can also have beauty care with Jessy.

The benefits of massage…

Ayurveda means “ Life awareness ”. It is the traditional medicine of India, the most ancient therapeutic system in the world. The sources of Ayurveda are found in the Vedas, representing 5000 years of continuous history and knowledge. It is a holistic approach of the human being.

This science aims to re-establish the balance of the human organism at the level of the body, mind and soul through the therapeutic and curative action of oils, plants and minerals.

« The ultimate goal of the Ayurveda is spiritual fulfilment. »

The Ayurveda philosophy is based on giving a treatment in order to create a new homeostasis for the body using plants, nutrients, massage, yoga or meditation.

« Every illness is a step towards healing, all bad and all pains are harmonization with nature towards good, every death is an opening towards immortality. Why is it so? It is the secret of God that only the souls who are purified from selfishness can understand. »
Sri Aurobindo

Panchakarma or the five steps (of the cleaning process) :

  1. Snehana : ingestion of ghī ( ghee, clarified butter).
  2. Virechana : a light purge usually based on the use of Neem oil.
  3.  Swedhana : sweating in a similar way as in a hammam ( Soft steam bath, 40° warm)
  4.  Basti: a light colon enema
  5.  Abhyanga: several hot oil massages given by experienced physiotherapists.

Different massages for Vata, Pitta et Kapha

  • Abhyanga : full body oil massage
  • Udvartana: detoxing and slimming massage with chickpea flour.
  • Pinda svéda: with rice pudding or sand plant poaches, to heat the body and stimulate sweating in order to eliminate toxins.
  • Pichauli : hot oil massage by 4 hands.
  • Padaghat: deep massage given by the physiotherapist using his feet!
  • Pizzichili: massage given on a special table allowing a hot oil bath.
  • Shirodhara: a treatment that consists of letting herbal oil at mild temperature run smoothly over the forehead of the patient. Origins of the word: composed of two Sanskrit terms: Shira = forehead et Dhara = flow.
    It is one of the steps of the panchakarma.  The liquids that are used can include oil, milk, buttermilk, or coconut water. Shirodhara has a clarifying and calming effect on the mind and enhances cognitive functions. Shirodhara can help entering a state of profound relaxation.
  • And many others …

Duration: from 45 min to 2 hours according the type of massage
Duration of a treatment: from 3 days to 4 weeks depending on the treatment

Our Ayurveda partners at Mahābalipuram

  • For massage:

Krishna Kumar, he works at the Greenwoods Hotel, Othavadai Cross Street.
Price: from 1000 rupees to 2000 rupees depending on the type of massage, packaging possibilities for therapy.

  • For an Ayurveda medicine consultation

Doctor Arathi in Ayurveda medicine, young and friendly lady. Sri Durga, 36 Othavadai Street (just by the Moonrakers Restaurant) first floor.
Price: Consultation 200 rupees

  • For the beauty care

Mrs Jessy Ravi (Ayurveda Beautician), The Mayuri ayuvedic Massage Beauty Parlour, 5, Othavadai Street.
Price: from 250 rupees to 2000 rupees depending on the type of care.