Initiation class to Ashtanga Yoga, Thuesday midday

Teacher : Jean-Claude
Level : initiation

Date(s) - 25/02/2025
12:30 to 14:00

Ashtanga Yoga Institute
610, Ch. d'Alsemberg
Brussels - Belgium

In this introduction to Ashtanga Yoga open-ended course, you will learn specific breathing (Ujjayi Prāṇāyāma), the balance between inspiration and expiration with the sound of your throat.

Inhale, exhale

You breathe through the nose while slowly opening the region of the larynx, which will produce a soft sound. Breathing is a natural and free process but the inspiration and expiration should have the same length.

You will learn the sun salutations (Sūryanamaskāra) that will build up heat (tapas) in your muscles (and in your whole body), you’ll learn how to control your pelvic floor (Mūla Bandha – the pelvic muscles) in order to increase your warmth and protect your body.

Learn the different types of posture (āsana)

• Standing postures.                                                 • Sitting Postures
Ashtanga Yoga Bruxelles_posture_debout  Ashtanga Yoga Bruxelles_posture_assise

• Rotations                                                           • Balance postures
Ashtanga Yoga Bruxelles_posture _de_torsion  Ashtanga Yoga Bruxelles_posture_equilbre

• postures lying on the back
Ashtanga Yoga Bruxelles_posture_allongée_sur_le_dos
• Reverse Postures             • Back-bending postures
Ashtanga Yoga Bruxelles_posture_inversée   Ashtanga Yoga Bruxelles_posture Arcs

Particular attention will be paid to the (points of) support in the postures.

How to get familiar with the practice of postures? (Vinyāsa Krama)

In Ashtanga Yoga you will learn to enter and exit a posture in order to maintain, increase your body heat and avoid hurting yourself.

There is a specific order in the postures, from simple to complex, which will allow you to gradually master a sequence of postures (a series).

At the Ashtanga Yoga Institute in Brussels, we pay particular attention to the rhythm of a class. The rhythm is adapted to the level. The tempo of postural practice will be adapted to the level of the participants.

This course allows for more individual attention, with detailed instructions and specific adjustments given by your teacher.


Benefits of the practice

  • Awareness of your body
  • Flexibility of your body and mind
  • Rediscovery of the pleasure of breathing
  • Development and alignment of your physical, mental and spiritual strength

Courses feesPrices for the lessons at the Ashtanga Yoga Institute of Brussels
Courses locationThe Ashtanga Yoga Institute studio in Brussels
Practical informationInformation about the Ashtanga Yoga classes
Your teacherJean Claude Garnier