Teacher : Jean-Claude
Level : all levels
Date(s) - 15/06/2024 - 22/06/2024
07:30 to 13:30
Ashthanga Yoga
Aetopoulou Thrasyvoulou 29
Athens - Greece
Learn or improve Ashtanga Yoga (Korunta Yoga) from Shri K. Pattabhi Jois in a place rich of energy vibes. Attending the workshop in Greece is like returning to mythological richness. Apollo – the eternal Fire, Athos – the Earth and Poseidon – the Water! a fight of Giants within ourselves. It is also returning to the “love of knowledge” or “love of wisdom”, ancient discipline that originated in India, which raises the questions and develops the thinking about the world and human existence, codified by Patanjali in Yoga Sūtra (Yogasutra) during the second century BC.
This is also the famous “mantra” of the anchorites of Mount Athos, prayer of Jesus, prayer of the Pilgrim, that is to say the « sādhaka (Sanskrit: साधक) » of the one looking for himself. “Lord have mercy on me, Christ have mercy on me” in Greek “Kyrie Eleison”, that is “Lord, have mercy.” This constant repetition leads to peace of soul, a state in which the heart of the practitioner is in contact, in fusion with the Divine
Session harmony
Working together to learn or to deepen Yoga Mala, a garland of postures as taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois! Promoting, listening, meeting, knowing and integrating with oneself!
You will practice according to your experience, either the first or the second run.
This session allows individual attention, with detailed instruction and specific adjustment given by your teacher.
This seminar is available to all, starters, experienced or trainers.
As a beginner, you’ll discover the basics. If you have more experience, you’ll improve your rhythm, Vinyasa, Mula Bandha, Uddiyana and Ujjayi. As a teacher, you’ll learn how to help students.
Ashtanga yoga is only practiced indoors.
As an option, opportunity to participate in a theoretical course every afternoon, on a specific topic.
Schedule :
- Practice on the morning : 7.30 to 10.30 am
- Theoretical class : 11.00 am to 1 pm
Already graduate teachers will get a certificate of recycling and deepening of Yoga.
New Ashtanga Yoga Shala in Athens :
- Katerina
- Greek Flower
- Savasana
You’ll find everything needed (mats, strasp, etc.) at the premises. Of course, you can bring your own material if you prefer.
Booking and Price :
To enrol, to book accommodation and to find out the prices of the Summer session in Athens
If subscription paid before the 2024 Mai 22
- xxx,- € for 8 days practice
After the 22/05/2024 price is :
- xxx,- € for 8 days practice
- 50,- € for drop in
Contact Katerina Zougrou :
Phone : 0030 6997902290

Ashtanga Yoga center