Ashtanga Yoga workshop in Mahābalipuram, South India, 2026 January from 5 to 16

Teacher : Jean-Claude
Level : all levels

Date(s) - 05/01/2026 - 16/01/2026
08:00 to 10:00

Yellow House
1/1, Anal Gandhi Street
Mahabalipuram - India

In an atmosphere, which facilitates turning towards your inner self, join us from January 6, 2025, to learn or improve your practice of Ashtanga Yoga (hyperlink) (Yoga Korunta), transmitted by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, with an option “teacher training” (+ 2 hour lesson per day).

A retreat in India, cradle of religions and philosophy with its 5000 years of history, is to come back to the origins Yoga. During the 2nd century BCE, Patanjali codified the love of wisdom (the philosophy of yoga) by writing the Yoga Sutra (Yogasutra), a sort of synthesis of the previous theories

During your retreat in India you will be able to immerse yourself in the only country where sacred is inseparable from every moment of daily life, offering a unique experience. South India, the ancestral land of the Dravidians, is the part of the Subcontinent where Hindu civilisation has its deepest roots. Daily life has kept its charm; through centuries the temples built on the rocks on the shores of Mahabalipuram have resisted the battering of the sea and time.

Harmony of the session

We will implement together to learn or deepen Yoga Mālā, the garland of postures according to the teaching of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.

Recommended for people who do not have time to practice every day.

You will have more time to go deeper into your practice, which at the same time will help you develop a better listening, understanding and knowledge of yourself, and your self-integration.

In accordance with your abilities you will practice the first, second or third series.

During classes, the teacher will give you individual attention, detailed instructions and adjust you personally when necessary.

Yoga in India courses are given :

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
  • Course practice every morning from 8 h – 10 h
  • For those taking the course, “Theoretical course” afternoon from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. (except Fridays)

This retreat is open to all, beginners, intermediates, advanced and teachers. If you are a beginner, you will be initiated to the fundamentals of Ashtanga, if you are advanced, you will improve the rhythm, the Vinayasa, the Mula Bandha, Uddiyana, and Ujjavi breathing. Teachers will be able to observe how to adjust students.

A trip :

Be prepared for a trip as during each session you will a visit an ashram (a secluded place in a forest or mountain where wise live in peace and tranquillity, far from the bustling world). Depart Mahabalipuram for Pondicherry / Auroville on Friday 6 after the course, Saturday 7 and return to Mahabalipuram on Sunday 8 afternoon. Visit and meditation at the Sri Aurobindo ashram in Pondicherry. Guided tour of Auroville and meditation session in the Matyrimandir.

Photos of the Yoga room :

Asthanga yoga is only practiced indoors. Depending upon the number of people, the classes will take place either Yellow House in Anal Gandhi Street or Blue Elephant.

  • Anal Gandhi Street
  • Blue Elephant

Mats, blocs and straps will be at your disposal. Obviously you can bring your own kit, if you prefer.

The new Yoga Shala « Maha Lakshmi », in Yellow House

Yellow House terrasse

Teachers’ training option:

Classes from 13.00 to 15.00

An uncommitted training, what will it bring you? Why attend ?

This option can be followed for your personal development aiming for more self-knowledge, thus a better balance between body and soul.

This cycle is intended for :

  • Confirmed teachers who wish to deepen their knowledge of yoga (practice, theory and pedagogy)
  • People who practice Yoga regularly and who commit to follow a regular daily practice and the theory lessons, for at least all the session.

As a free listener:

Students who do not intend to sit for the exam nor write a memory summarizing his study work of Ashtanga Yoga

Qualified teachers will receive a certificate attesting they attended the training and deepened their knowledge of yoga.

For more information to prepare your travel, please consult our website :

  • Travel, flights and transfers
  • Visa
  • Accommodations, hotels
  • Indian cuisine and food
  • Clothing tips
  • Health

Price :

  • Ashtanga Yoga workshop in Mahābalipuram, South India, 2025 January from 6 to 17 : 460 € (10 days)
  • For half session : 280 € (5 days)
  • 2 full session South India, 2025 January from 6 to 31 : 860 € (20 days)
  • One session + Teachers’ training option South India, 2025 January from 6 to 17 : : 800 €
  • Plus us the costs of : hotel rooms, meals and your personal expenses
  • Cancelling fee : 100 € per person.

Registration and additional information : Please send us an e-mail to the institute at :